Bahasa Lingkungan Ke-Kaghatian-an Guyub Tutur Bahasa Muna: Kajian Ekolinguistik

Oleh : Nirmalasari, S.Pd., M.Hum.
dibuat pada : 2018
Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya/Ilmu Linguistik

Kata Kunci :
ecological language, lexicon, kaghati, Muna Language

Abstrak :
The diversity of lexicon in the ke-kaghati-an’s environment is part of ethnic wealth in the form of local wisdom that needs to be explored for the sake of environmental sustainability. This research is aimed at(1)finding and analyzing the forms and categories of the kaghati lexicon in the Muna language, based on its morphological and semantic features; (2) finding and describing the treasures of the kaghati lexicon, especially regarding the identification of flora, fauna, kaghati forms, kaghati materials and tools, nature, and kaghati rituals; 3) analyzing the dynamic changes in lexicon, metaphorical expressions, taboo, and the intergenerational myths of Muna language as a representation of the changing linguistic environment and kaghati environment; and 4) finding and describing the factors behind the dynamics of lexicon, metaphorical, taboo, and myths in the ke-kaghati-an’s environment in the speech community of Muna language. This research used ecolinguistic theory with three logical dimensions, (ideological, biological, and sociological); supported by linguistic theory (morphology and semantics), and anthropological linguistics. The approachused is a qualitative descriptive approach supported by a simple quantitative approach. The research method used participatory observation, interview, and triangulation methods. The results showed that the lexicon in the ke-kaghati-an’s environment consists of 1) a single form, i.e.kolope‘gadung tubers’, ghuse‘rain’, andsoma ‘pin’;2) complex form, i.e.sampughoo‘lower it’, mansoule‘often spinning’;hamba-hamba‘chase’, andlulubha‘loosening’; kaghule-ghule‘leaf caterpillar’;andgholumpore‘firm knot’.The lexicon category of ke-kaghati-an consists of noun,verb,andadjective. The biotic lexical treasure (flora andfauna) includesnanasi‘pinneaple’, towulambe‘cane’, dumbi‘cockroach’, andburungo‘sea shells’. The abiotic lexical treasure (body parts, shapes or model, materials and tools, nature conditions, and rituals) includeskaworu‘sounding device’,bhatemboreranga‘taper shape’,kaghabulu ‘shell’, mintae‘dawn’, andahera‘hereafter’. The dynamics of intergenerational understanding is based on 548 lexical items (186 as noun, 243 as verb, and 119 as adjective category); 20 metaphorical expressions, 13 taboos ‘falia’ expression, and 6 myths. The respondents at old age have the highest understanding with an average of 78% (good); the respondents at adult age with an average of 59% (good enough), and last, the respondents at young age have the lowest understanding with an average 29% (very less). Furthermore, three factors influencing the dynamics of intergenerational understanding of lexical items, metaphorical expressions, taboos, and myths in the ke-kaghati-an environment, namely the linguistic factors, Muna language speakers (gap of inheritance intergenerational and Muna's speech activeness), and the last factor is the change in ecology or physical environment.

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