Analisis Yuridis Tentang Proses Mediasi Dalam Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Adat Di Bali

Oleh : Dr. Dewa Gde Rudy, SH., M.Hum
dibuat pada : 2019
Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Hukum/Magister Kenotariatan

Kata Kunci :
Mediation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Customary Land

Abstrak :
ABSTRACT Today in the lives of people there are often conflicts or disputes. Including land disputes that are rampant in indigenous communities, especially indigenous peoples in Bali. Various ways people do to solve land disputes that occur. Either through a court institution (litigation) or an institution outside the court (non litigation). Many alternative solutions to dispute resolution are taken by the community because they are considered more effective and do not take more time and money. One alternative dispute resolution that is often taken is through Mediation or peace. Especially in resolving disputes over customary land in Bali. The problems discussed in this study are two, namely, the process of mediation in alternative settlement of customary land disputes in Bali and the obstacles faced in the mediation process through alternative resolutions of customary land disputes in Bali. This study uses a type of normative legal research, using a legal approach and a legal concept analysis approach. The legal sources used in this study are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary / tertiary legal materials. Primary legal materials are collected systematically, while secondary legal materials are collected and traced using documentation studies. The entire legal materials collected will be analyzed using legal material analysis techniques in the form of description techniques / descriptive analysis.