Local Wisdom and Heritage Conservation : Toward a Study of Sustainable Concept on the Geotourism Development in the Batur UNESCO Global Geopark, Bali-Indonesia

Oleh : Dr.Eng. I Wayan Kastawan, ST., MA.
dibuat pada : 2019
Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Teknik/Sarjana Arsitektur

Kata Kunci :
Heritage, Conservation, Sustainable, Geotourism, Batur

Abstrak :
The Study of Sustainable Concept of Nature, Humans and Culture in the Development of Geotourism has been widely talked in recent decades, not only in the academic point of view but also in public dimensions. The local wisdom of the people in the Batur Unesco Global Geopark area in developing their region can not be separated from various efforts to explore and preserve the area that is rich in local wisdom values inherited from their ancestors, which led to the reality that noble business instead of producing a continuity but can eliminate the geological-historical values-cultural significance of a place that should be protected. In general, it can be said that due to ignorance of the importance of these values it is the cause of the unsuccessful development. Therefore, this research is intended to gain a better understanding of the importance of the values in the study of the concept of sustainable development of Geotourism.