Oleh : Agoes Ganesha Rahyuda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.
dibuat pada : 2016
Fakultas/Jurusan : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis/Magister Manajemen

Kata Kunci :
Entrepreneurs, Indonesia, Moderating variable, Re-entry strategy, Thailand

Abstrak :
This research is a continuation work (second year) of a two-year research project designed to explore the types of entrepreneurial re-entry strategy and factors that influence it. In this study, entrepreneurial re-entry strategy is defined as a method that is carefully planned or chosen by an entrepreneur for returning back to a new business after having experienced an exit from his or her previous business. Several studies, including the first year study that we conducted last year, have found several re-entry strategies that are available for entrepreneurs, such as taking over an existing firm, switching business direction, and starting a new firm by asking for a partnership. Furthermore, it has also been found that the decision to select a strategy is motivated by several factors, such as opportunity identification, competitor level, and completeness of potential market information. Although past studies have paid considerable attention to entrepreneurial re-entry strategies and its selection mechanisms, only a few, however, have focused on some key variables that moderate the differences between re-entry strategies in several contexts in the literature. In particular, due to the existing differences in re-entry strategies and its selection mechanisms between countries, the literature fails to fully understand the variables that assess or clarify why each mechanism differs. This study attempts to fill these gaps. The major aim of this second year study is to explore the variables that moderate the differences between re-entry strategies in two different contexts. Contextually, the study will compare predictors, mechanisms, and types of entrepreneurial re-entry strategy across two developing countries, which are Indonesia and Thailand. This study is in line with the Udayana University Research Roadmap 2012-2016, particularly in the sub-roadmap of Social, Economics, and Language, where one of its objectives is to “enhance entrepreneurs abilities and creative economies”. This study will apply a qualitative method. Using this method, the study will interview around 60 participants in Indonesia and Thailand who have involved in the area of entrepreneurship, trade, industry, and Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The participants will come from three specific categories, which are business, academic institutions, and government category. The study will use an unstructured interview method as the data collection technique and the content analysis as its data analysis method. An interview protocol document will be developed as a tool for collecting data and NVivo qualitative software version 9 will be used as a tool to help this study analyzing the qualitative data. This will be the final year of this two-year research project (2015-2016). The final output of this study will be an optimized model of entrepreneurial re-entry strategy that can be used as guidance for scholars and practitioners to understand the re-entry strategies and its mechanisms, while at the same time to understand the variables that moderate the differences between re-entry strategies in several contexts. Furthermore, the produced model may inform entrepreneurs about the obstacles that might hinder them to do re-entry, and then provide suggestions about the methods of handling or minimizing those obstacles, thus motivating them to do re-entry after exit instead of giving up their entrepreneurial experience. This study is expected to be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (Journal of Business Venturing) in 2017.